Please choose the year you would like to explore.

We wish you the year full of beautiful memories and fun! We'll try to make this year brighter and warmer for you! Your IVIPID team
31 Dec 2015

Merry Christmas, dear users! Have a wonderful time with your friends and families! Don't forget to congratulate them with Glass Ball theme which is still available half price for you!
25 Dec 2015

Dear all, please be informed that we've encountered some rendering problem. Everything is under control, soon will be back to normal. Thank you for understanding.
09 Dec 2015
Christmas discount market

16 days till Christmas! And here is our first surprise for you! From December,15 till January,1 we're giving you 50% discount for ALL THE THEMES! Moreover, while all the themes are half-price, the three of them - Comics, Jumping lamp and Blue Cartoon Castle - are 75% OFF! Get your chance to create the most popular themes with a huge Christmas discount!
08 Dec 2015
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

The last day of the fall means the start of Christmas preparations! Be sure we're planning something for you as well :)
30 Nov 2015
Halloween film intro

Hey guys, how was your Halloween?? Bet you have plenty of videos to make your own “How we spent this Halloween” film! Don’t forget that we have the most suitable intro for that film![...]
03 Nov 2015

At the moment Comics is available half-price! One more reason to create it right one! Have fun and mind that our next stop is "in the clouds" ;) CLICK TO CREATE
19 Oct 2015

We know that we've promised to launch Comics by the end of this week but we've encountered some major problems during testing and the last thing we want to give you is a bad quality theme. We really want you to love this new theme so unfortunately the launching is gonna take couple more days. Deep breath, just imagine how cool this theme will be when it's finished! :)
16 Oct 2015
Cha-ching cha-ching warning!

Dear everyone! Please have a look at our new prices.
14 Oct 2015

Cilck here to see a heads-up, guys. For what will be availalble for you by the end of this week. Are you excited?
12 Oct 2015
Something big

Big day is coming both for you and for us! On Monday, October 12, we'll upload an announcement video for the new theme that will become availalble for you till the end of next week! Keep in touch to be one of the first people who'll create it!
09 Oct 2015
Your Video is yours

Did you notice that Your Video theme is back? We've made some minor improvements and you can create it right now!
23 Sep 2015
Walking on Sunshine

Last chance to get Sunshine theme half-price! Don't miss it. Consider this message as a final warning :)
16 Sep 2015
Star Text alive!

Star Text theme is available again! Moreover we made it much faster to cook and now you can enjoy new royalty free music in it. We'll do some minor tweaks later so you can fill in your text faster by pressing fewer buttons.
05 Aug 2015
Pricing change notice

Hello everybody. We are going to announce you some pricing changes in the next two weeks. These changes would affect both Credit Points packages prices and vipid creation prices. We are not going to double the prices :) The main idea is to balance all prices across the packages and to help you to choose the right one.
31 Jul 2015
Star Text Maintenance

Star Text intro closed for maintenance due to high rate of cooking errors. Please be patient, it should not take too long to fix it.
29 Jul 2015

UPD!! Due to the fact that a lot of people have sent us their videos willing to take part in the contest, we’ve decided to prolongate it till July, 7! Fight your chance! Once upon a time when IVIPID was a young service with just a few members, we’ve created a contest with CP’s packages as a prize.[...]
09 Jul 2015
Downtime in da IVIPID

Dear users, Let us inform you that June, 20 from 07:00AM till 11:00AM (UTC) the IVIPID website and all the intros will be unavailable due to the technical reasons. Assume that Saturday the IVIPID system decided to sleep in :D Right after the time indicated above [...]
20 Jun 2015
Bitcoin madness

Hey guys, Following lots and lots of your requests, we've decided to start work on implementing several more methods of payment! Yay! Soon everyone will find a convenient way to buy CPs for intros creation. Some time ago we were sitting and thinking about [...]
05 Jun 2015
Jump, lamp, jump!!

Attention everyone! Good news here! As the summer is coming, we decided to make a warm and delightfull summer gift for you:[...]
12 May 2015
New Google and Facebook policy

Dear users, Let us announce that we’re obliged to apply new Google and Facebook signing-in policy to IVIPID website. While we’re on it, please, do not panic. We know that many of you are registered via these two social networks and[...]
27 Apr 2015

Dear all, As you can see we work really hard on upgrading the whole system for the last couple of months. Mainly we do so because at the moment what we plan to do is to launch many more new themes which are going to be heavier, more complex, more profound and just simply amazing! The launching of these themes is the exact reason why we need to implement a new system. In order to do so we have to readjust all the old themes[...]
14 Apr 2015

Wonderful news, everyone! Brand new theme is now available on the website for all paid users![...]
08 Apr 2015

ATTENTION! Free IVIPIDS are currently unavailable due to debugging! Keep calm and wait for the news!
31 Mar 2015
Tech problem!

Hey good people! As you remember, we’ve launched a lot of new processing cores last week and as it turned out we were too ambitious regarding this issue…
30 Mar 2015
56 shades of cores

Hey IVIPID people! Today everything works faster. You know why? Yesterday we’ve launched 56 new processing cores! Till the end of the next week 48 more will be ready and all in all that will be pretty amazing number of cores, my friends!
25 Mar 2015
Coming soon!

Let us inform you that till the end of the week we'll finish the servers upgrade. It means that all the technical works will be over and we will finally start working on some new themes you were waiting for!
18 Mar 2015
That's what I call upgrade!

Wanna know what we're doing right now? We're contemplating the fact that soon we'll have 104 extremely and unprecedentely powerful processor cores. 104!! Working for you like a choir! Keep in touch for more exciting news!
13 Mar 2015

Attention! March 13 is going to be rough: SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE! But hey, it's Friday so you'll find something to do. And when you're back on Saturday, the IVIPID will be even better! Cheers!
12 Mar 2015

Our beloved users! Let us apologise on behalf of our server who decided to go on weekend with no prior notice. As soon as we've noticed that the server went off, we started working on restoration immediately but unfortunately we're not that fast. At the moment we continue to work on that and soon everything will be back to normal. Please, forgive us. As you now, March 8 is an International Women's day in many Eastern European countries. So maybe our server is a feminine after all?
10 Mar 2015
It's happening!

Happening now! We’ve launched 2 new powerful servers as we promised. These beasts are excited to work for you! Also tomorrow will happen something you’ve been waiting for a long time: free video templates will be finally back! For now – in a test mode. ‘Cause you know, you have to warm up and strecth before an actual workout.
06 Mar 2015
Coming this Friday!

Hey guys! Guess what? This Friday, the 4th of March, we're launching our two new best players Intel Core i7-4790K and this is gonna be legendary!
04 Mar 2015
New servers added.

Good news everyone! We've just added two new blazing fast rendering servers based in Intel Core i7 4790K processors. Real beasts! So now we can cook your videos faster. And you know what ? There is three more powerful servers almost assembled. We are excited ! And you ?
10 Feb 2015
Facebook image upload broken!

Dear friends. We just noticed that Facebook images uploading is broken. We know how to fix that and we are doing it right now. If you really need to produce vipid with pictures, please upload them directly from your computer. This issue will be fixed tomorrow. Thank you!
10 Feb 2015
Unplanned network maintenance

There is some unplanned network maintenance. We noticed that some jobs get stucked in queue. We are working on that issue. Most of that jobs will be finished soon and service will operate as usual. Thank you for understanding !
09 Feb 2015
Payments accepted.

Payments accepted. Since 2 January 2015 you can buy packages to produce your vipids once again. We still have to disable "free" watermarked vipid production. But there is no restrictions for paid users. As soon as all of our servers setup properly and running we'll open "free" low resolution vipids production again.
04 Jan 2015